Upcoming events

    • 5 May 2024
    • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
    • Fort Miles Museum, Cape Henlopen State Park Lewes, DE 19958

    Thank you for your purchase of a Wall of Honor paver from the Fort Miles Historical Association. You, your family members, and friends are invited to attend the upcoming dedication ceremony, where the paver will be presented. If you or someone else would like to represent the honoree with a brief talk (5 minutes maximum), please provide the speaker’s name. Light refreshments will be served.

    The Museum will be open for WOH guests that day from 12 pm until 3:30 pm. You're welcome to visit the museum before the ceremony begins at 1:00 pm to see its many exhibits, including the Wall of Honor. Following the ceremony, there will be a private tour of the museum for those who are interested.

    Please RSVP not later than April 30 with your estimated number of attendees. 

    Again, thank you for your support. Do not hesitate to email pavers if you have any questions.

    Biographical Information

    The Fort Miles Historical Association maintains an electronic memory book of the honoree, including biography, pictures and documents. We encourage you to provide background information for the memory book, which enable visitors to the Wall of Honor to experience a small glimpse into your honoree’s history. The information you provide will be available on the Kiosk at the Museum and will also be visible on our website for those who are not able to visit the Museum in person.

    Submitting biographical information

    On the Wall of Honor page of our website, click the About button for an example of a Honoree's page.

    1. Provide a writeup in any format you choose, including Word, Pages or any text editor. Don't worry about formatting- our display software does that.
    2. Send us pictures of the honoree, preferably in jpeg or png.
    3. Send us copies of any documents- DD214, citations, awards, etc. These can be pictures or PDFs.

    Send the information via email to pavers@fortmilesha.org. Please be sure we have it no later than April 30, 2024 to insure we have time to include it on the kiosk and website.

    Visit our website for more information about Fort Miles Museum, including directions.

    This event is open to Paver Patrons who received an email invitation.

    Simple registration: Just Click the Yes/Maybe/No button. If prompted to Accept Wild Apricot terms, click Accept. Enter the number of guests that will be joining you.

Contact Us:

Fort Miles Historical Association
PO Box 52
Lewes, DE 19958
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software